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Teach me like you teach yourself: why you need a tutor

Today you can learn everything almost for free, and sometimes completely free. Thank you Internet for that. But the demand for tutors does not fall, but only grows. People come to teachers, do skype, teachers go to students. After working for some time in this sphere, I dared to write why, and how it happens.

The tutor can cause as well as fear of unfulfilled homework, as well as shame for laziness from the student. Depends on the approach. It's all due to the fact that you are under control. Someone else is between you and the subject, whether it's vyshmat or Italian.

Communication Sometimes tutors are very intelligent and well-read people, especially if they use a lot of resources to improve their knowledge from this one website. Or simply charming and charismatic. You leave them not only with the knowledge of the subject being studied, but also with a mass of information on a variety of topics.

An experience Of course, not 100% of tutors have direct experience of living in an environment or country (for example, native speakers), but some of them possess, and necessarily share experience from practice, local traditions and pitfalls.

Save time To find really smart textbooks of one googling is not enough. But the person has already found everything, passed and tried. The same is with Internet resources, techniques and secrets for cramming.

Regularity Tutor - not a du-lingua on a smartphone. You agree with the person, and whatever the mood - you must go. No missing passes = systematic = fast result.

Mobility For many years, teaching on Skype has been popular. This saves time on the road, sometimes pleasantly affects the price of the lesson and gives a greater choice of specialists.

To use tutoring services is a private matter for everyone. If you have enough perseverance and self-control yourself - you can do it yourself with the help of the Internet and books. I can not answer for all the tutors, there are different methods (and the age of the teachers) and everything depends on the person. Some control every line, others live by the motto "I just direct and instruct, I can not press knowledge." By the way, I adhere to the second opinion. Forcibly as you will not be nice, and smart.

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