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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying in a Group

The collective effort to prepare for a test or discipline on its positive and negative sides.

Group activities and study are quite common in the course of the training and academic life of most students. For some of them, the opportunity has value and encourages learning. For others, such proposals are real problems.

Collective efforts are complex, possessing marked positive and negative points. Finding out if the action works well and has satisfactory results means weighing the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a group. Know more about it at

Advantages of studying in groups

1. Different perspectives.

One of the most obvious positive points is in the plurality of visions, that is, the presence of different perspectives. Often we become stagnant in a problem or exercise because we are accustomed to approach them in a certain way, under certain logic. At that point, a differentiated view can be instrumental in offering help and demonstrating a new way to get to the solution (together).

2. Fight against procrastination.

Having colleagues or friends around to study content can work in a way that motivates the student. Thus, group study can play the role of combat tool for the student who has the habit of leaving everything to later, procrastinating the activities.

3. Preparation experience.

Working or group study can also serve as a simulation, a preparation for the real dynamics in the professional and corporate world. Develop skills to deal with others, respecting the visions and offering their best. All are features that will greatly help in the future.

Disadvantages of studying in a group

1. Unproductive sessions.

Long time without productivity, with distractions and conversations nothing related to study content. Who never faced this? Collective activities can be problematic when they involve this scenario.

2. Disparity of rhythms.

A group that has one or more members with difficulty in some subject, but who does not pause in the rhythm to help the colleague, may end up leaving him behind.

3. Dependency creation.

Developing a taste for studies and group activities involves the risk of creating some dependence on practice. In other words, the student is no longer able to work out or perform well without the help of classmates, which can certainly be a problem.

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